Continued development on the pitch and target audience
Watched an interview with Jerry Goolsby whose general message is that the music taste of a person who is 23 will be significantly different from someone who is 40. You need to have a specific audience that your targeting, or else you don’t have a product. Whilst Goolsby's theory is interesting and is certainly applicable in lots of cases, I would also argue that it does not always apply. Other artists such as Adele, Rolling Stones, for example have wide appeal across broad age groups.
We revaluated our group's target audience and came to the conclusion that the primary target is 15-21 year old boys and girls. The person would be quite involved with music as it not the kind of band you would listen to on the offchance. Someone who goes to concerts would be a keen listener of our band.
Defining an audience:
- The audience is constructed by details. Rather than thinking of the audience as a mass you need to look at the age range and what is of interest. Segmenting the audience into mainstream or niche. The segmentation can be achieved both psychographically and demographically.
- Demographic segmentation is where an audience is split according to numerous significant social criteria e.g. class, race, sexuality, gender. JICNARS scale is one of the most common demographic approaches that involve the audience.
- The JICNARS (joint advertising committee for television advertising research) scale:
- A- Higher management/administration/professional ( a vice president of a company,
- B- middle management/administration/professional (teacher, store manager, journalist) largest spending power
- C1- Supervisory/clerical/ junior management (secretary)
- C2- skilled manual (builder, plumber)
- D- Semi and unskilled manual (fastfood worker, shop worker)
- E- subsistence income/ pensioners/widows/ casual labour/ unemployed
The majority of music sales come from rows C-E because
Psychographic segmentation is an amalgamation of a consumers profile and the ideas about how they manage their life. To predict consumption of the public, various attitudes, values, beliefs and ‘lifestyle’ choices are sorted into a number of specific categories. Successful market is premised upon who is your market.
People are broken down also into different type groups as; actualises, fulfillers, achievers, and experiencers. Our group is working with ‘experiencers’, which is the teenage category.
The broken down teenage category;
Cowboys- who want easy money
Cynics- who have to have something to complain about
Utopians- who want the world to be a better place
Traditionalists- who wants things to stay the same
Drop outs- who shun commitment of any kind
Drifters- who are not sure what they want
Groupers- who just want to be accepted
Rebels- who wish to remake the world in their own image
Innovators- who wish to make their mark
Puritans- who wish to feel virtuous
Trendies- they crave the attention and admiration of their peers
Our group category is under drifters because their music category is not completely mainstream and not completely indie or punk. Our type of pop punk/soft rock can be enjoyed by a large spread of people because of its versatility of sound.