Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Account of Shoot Day

Edward and I created a storyboard of which the day was planned according to. Because we knew exactly which shots to follow and how many angles to shoot from, it was made very easy since it was well organized.  The opening shot into the detective’s room was not initially meant to be taken as a crane shot, however our group saw the genie lift and was eager to use it. It made the shot far more defining, as though we were moving deeper into the story as the camera went in. we experimented with reverse shots on the genie lift because it seemed to be more conventional to start off with an establishing shot, but we ultimately decided that leading into the shot worked better.
The majority of our thriller clip was shot in the studio, except for when Seb is talking at the beginning that was shot in the main house. There were huge benefits in shooting in studio; it meant we were able to control our lighting and elements of the shoot. Even though our set seems to be quite dimly lit, we actually shot it very brightly but used a light filter to achieve the dim lighting.

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