Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Introduction to photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a graphic and picture editing tool. It enables the user to alter, manipulate and create images either from existing photos or found images. Different tools create different actions.
The basic tools : The Crop tool enables you to decrease the image down, only leaving the desired information and size. The text tool alows you to type. You can create a gradient, warp, drop shadow to the text, as well as placing an image in the text itself or changing the color. The zoom tool alows you to tempoarily get closer to the image to get more of an attention to detail. The clone tool alows you to gather imformation from around the similar area,suchas different colors and tones, and lets you move it.
By fixing and inhancing photos, you can do a many number different ellements , such as; contrasting, sharpening, touches up spot, wrinkles and scatches. You can darken or lighten pictures with the dodge and burn tool. You can remove a color cast with Auto Color. You can also fix any red eye and create a photo frame.

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