I have felt enormous progression from our preliminary task to our main task, our continuity and precision of shot as you can see by the comparative sequences of each of them above. The planning and preparation of our basic prelim task was relatively simple because every shot was printed and given to us in correct order. For our main task we had to create our own scenes with our own shots which made it harder. The differences in choices of shot from our basic prelim task and our main task, was that we decided not to use an extreme close up in our main task where we did in the prelim task, but we used a tracking shot in our main task where we did not in our prelim task.
In our prelim task we used wide-medium-close shots to cover the basic shots we needed. We got very creative with our main task in making the story show through the shots that we took. We took different angled shots to show superiority within status and a diminishing in status. Instead of using straight cuts in our sequence, we used a cross-fade to show the passing of time in the interview room.
As I said in Evaluation Task 1, this tracking shot was created to show a change. The character is about to enlighten the detective and the audience about something that was not previously stated before.
In our basic prelim task we constantly crossed the 180 degree line and had to re-shoot different shots because of our failure of framing the eye line of our two characters to match. We became very attentive because of our mistakes in our prelim tasks and shot the main task with no problem. Smooth. We have a Genie lift and a tracking shot which are the greatest examples of how our skills have progressed from the simple shots in our prelim task. We have constructed our shots so that they are tighter to show the intensity between the characters.
In our prelim task we used a basic raw boom mike through out for each shot, however in our final task we went through each shot individually to find the best sound for each clip. We used the sound effects of a faint screaming and gun shots, piano music, heavy breathing and rain to create a dramatic emphasis. We bridged all non-diegetic sound which had to be levelled. Also what we did not do in our prelim task which we did in our final task was including music and ambient sound effects in Soundtrack Pro.